organisations designated as terrorist by pakistan 뜻
국어 번역
- 파키스탄이 지정한 테러 단체
- designated adjective, 지정된, 관선의
- terrorist noun, 공포 정치가, 폭력(혁명)주의자,
- pakistan noun, 파키스탄
- organisations designated as terrorist by australia 오스트레일리아가 지정한 테러 단체
- organisations designated as terrorist by india 인도가 지정한 테러 단체
- organisations designated as terrorist by iran 이란이 지정한 테러 단체
- organisations designated as terrorist by japan 일본이 지정한 테러 단체
- organisations designated as terrorist by new zealand 뉴질랜드가 지정한 테러 단체
- organisations designated as terrorist by the european union 유럽 연합이 지정한 테러 단체
- organisations designated as terrorist by the united kingdom 영국이 지정한 테러 단체
- defunct organizations designated as terrorist 없어진 테러 조직
- list of designated terrorist groups 테러조직 지정
- organizations designated as terrorist 테러 조직으로 지정된 단체
- organizations designated as terrorist by argentina 아르헨티나가 지정한 테러 단체
- organizations designated as terrorist by bahrain 바레인이 지정한 테러 단체
기타 단어
- organisations designated as terrorist by australia 뜻
- organisations designated as terrorist by india 뜻
- organisations designated as terrorist by iran 뜻